Title : Lords of War Mutator
Date : Nov 11 2004
Filename : Lords.zip
Author : Jason "SatisGuarD" Bill
Email Address : vze5bq5s@verizon.net
Home Page : www.NOStribes.tk
Description : Lords of War Mutator
Credits to : anyone who loves unlimited flight ;) and lots of firepower!
Build Time
Approximately two weeks
* Play Information *
Single Player : Yes
Fuel : Yes
Capture the Flag : Yes
Arena : Yes
Ball : Yes
New Textures : No
New Sounds : No
New Static Meshes : No
New Music : No
* Mutated *
Unlimted flight with the packs from inv stations
can change armors at deployable inv stations
active functions of packs longer
passive functions of packs longer and better
weapons fire a bit faster... trust me ;)
grappler range incressed
SniperRifle changed to LaserRifle, uses no ammo, just energy
energyblade changed to shocklance, better range
* Know bugs *
none!!! All fixed
put the Lords.u , Lords.bat, and LordsServer.bat in your Tribes Vengeance\Program\Bin folder,
put the Lords.int in your Tribes Vengeance\Content\System folder.
add in your TV_CD_DVD.ini (also in bin folder) under
[Engine.GameEngine] add
if you use ucc.exe, in UCC.ini (also in bin folder) under
either use the lords.bat to start T:V, or add mutator=Lords.Lords to your shortcut to start T:V
To run a server, edit the lordsserver.bat with notepad and change admin name and password
TV_CD_DVD.exe MP-Emerald?game=GameClasses.ModeCTF?mutator=Lords.Lords -console
TV_CD_DVD.exe MP-Arid?game=GameClasses.ModeCTF?mutator=Lords.Lords
TV_CD_DVD.exe MP-WinterLake?game=GameClasses.ModeCTF?mutator=Lords.Lords?GameStats=False?MaxPlayers=16?AdminName=Satisguard?AdminPassword=lol -server -log=Server.log
Contained files: lords.bat, Lords.int, Lords.u, LordsFinalREADME.txt, LordsServer.bat
Name 10 October 2008 | Silly mod |