- Fix speed pack bug where firerates are returned to normal
- Do something more interesting with the sniper rifle
v0.35 : Public Release 1
- Health recharge rate decreased
- Spinfusor projectile speed increased
- Chaingun spread and warmup time increased
- Pod movement toned down
- Sniper rifle is now a laser rifle
- Energy weapons now only drain jetpack when flying
- Rocket pod 'single shot' bug fixed and number of missiles increased
- Grappler range increased
- GrenadeLauncher kick increased a fair bit more
- Increased the health of most baseDevices
- Increased tank boost effectiveness
- Sniper rifle back to normal, faster firerate only (i hate snipers)
- Grenade launcher grenades behave normally except for the damage / kickback
- Team vehicles never hurt the player through crushing damage
- Team damage defaults to 0, but may change due to gametype data
- Increased health of all baseDevices again
- Rocket pod load increased
- Mod now loads automatically with any gametype (yey!)
- Toned down jetpack recharge to normal since it kicks more anyway
- Packs recharge faster
- Packs active effects last longer
- Blaster shoots more like a machinegun
- Buckler blocks more projectiles and can be thrown a few times at once
- Buckler damage increased for melee attack
- Burner fires faster, more like a flamethrower
- Chaingun spread, firerate and spinup time increased
- Hand grenades throw faster but cant be thrown as often
- Energy blade damage increased a lot at expense of energy usage
- Grapple hook speed increased, rope length increased, rope wont break as easily,
firing rate increased slightly
- Mortar shoots faster
- Pod fires tank rounds!
- Rocketpod has no warmup time and shoots faster
- Sniper rifle bullet requires less leading, shoots faster
- Prevented Sniper Rifle from using energy
- Rover and Assaultship turret firerate doubled
- Tank chaingun less accurate but shoots more
- All manable turret firerates increased
- Sentry turrets are much more volatile
- Assault ship cannon fires faster and with more velocity
- Grenade launcher fires slower but much harder
- Grenades bounce higher
- Pod more powerful in speed but harder to control
- Assault ship has more health but is very sloppy to steer
- Jump tank boosts harder and more often
- Buggy is lighter and faster
- inventory stations are harder to kill
- Repairer radius and repair rate increased, as well as health
- Inventory station health increased
- Generators are harder to destroy
- Increased health for base turret
- Increased health for base inventory stations
- Health and ammo now recharge
- Max health increased
- Jetpack recharge scale increased for much flight (but not too much
because people still need to touch the ground every now and again)
- Jetpacks fire for longer on death
- Heavies can use turrets (but not vehicles)
- Jetpack has more thrust
- Increased movement ability and jump strength
Contained files: Content/Classes/BaseBotsSTS.pkg, TVai/changelog.txt, TVai/Content/Art/GUITribesEX.pkg, TVai/Content/Classes/AIClasses.pkg, TVai/Content/Classes/AnnouncerClasses.pkg, TVai/Content/Classes/BaseBotsSTS.pkg, TVai/Content/Classes/BaseObjectClasses.pkg, TVai/Content/Classes/CharacterClasses.pkg, TVai/Content/Classes/deployableclasses.pkg, TVai/Content/Classes/DynamicObjectClasses.pkg, TVai/Content/Classes/EquipmentClasses.pkg, TVai/Content/Classes/ExplosionClasses.pkg, TVai/Content/Classes/GameClasses.pkg, TVai/Content/Classes/hudClasses.pkg, TVai/Content/Classes/MJTestClasses.pkg, TVai/Content/Classes/PlayerStartClasses.pkg, TVai/Content/Classes/StatClasses.pkg, TVai/Content/Classes/VehicleClasses.pkg, TVai/Content/Classes/VehicleClasses.pkg.Neu, TVai/Content/Classes/VehicleClasses.pkg.Original, TVai/Content/Classes/VehicleClassesASOld.pkg, TVai/System/Default.ini, TVai/System/DefTVEd.ini, TVai/System/DefUser.ini, TVai/System/Kopie von excessiveTV.ini, TVai/System/Kopie von TVai.ini, TVai/System/ServerFilters.ini, TVai/System/Speedo.ini, TVai/System/Startup.ini, TVai/System/Startup.ini.bak, TVai/System/StartupDebuggerLaunch.ini, TVai/System/StartupUCC.ini, TVai/System/TribesAdmin.ini, TVai/System/TribesGUIState.ini, TVai/System/TVai.ini, TVai/System/TVEd.ini, TVai/System/TV_CD_DVD.log, TVai/System/UCC.ini, TVai/System/UCC.log, TVai/System/Version.ini, TVai/TRIBESai.lnk, TVai/TVai_DedicatedServer.bat
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