#### Tribes: Vengeance ini Editor v0.04 #####
############ Presented by fiLa ##############
######## Info: ########
With this ini editor you can edit more then 230 ini settings
without messing around in notepad.
You dont need any knowledge of the ini files either. You just
load up your tribesv_mpbeta_en.ini and User.ini and then you can fully
use the tool.
The tool itself has a description of almost every ini setting,
so if you are new to Tribes you dont have to worry about the settings.
But also if you have experience with the ini files the tool might
be very useful for you.
you will be happy about the easy to use interface and the many
options it supports.
######## Installation: ########
run setup.exe and install the tool anywhere you want.
######## Usage: ########
open up the TV_ini_Editor_v0.04.exe, you will be asked to
select your tribesv_mpbeta_en.ini and your User.ini files.
(they are locatet at <TV Folder>/Program/Bin/)
After you have selected the files you can use the program.
######## Changelog: ########
version 0.04
- Puplic Release
version 0.03
- Beta Release
version 0.02
- Internal Release
version 0.01
- Internal Release
######## Bugs: #########
When you get any Runtime Error, It may be that a .ini setting is messed up.
Just delete both .ini files, start the game (It will create new fresh ones) and try again. If you get any runtime error or having any problems feel free
to contact me and I will help you.
When you get "Setup Bootstrap for Visual Basic Setup Toolkit has encountered a problem and needs to close." Just extract the TV_ini_Editor_0.04.CAB file with
any zip tool and run the TV_ini_Editor_v0.04.exe manually.
######## Coder: ########
Martin Fischer aka "fiLa"
#aura on irc.enterthegame.com
#aura.ut on irc.quakenet.org
Contained files: readme.txt, setup.exe, SETUP.LST, TV_ini_Editor_0.04.CAB
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